OzForex Group raises $100,000 for charity as part of its global fundraising day

An entire day's global profits go to charity

Sydney 9 August, 2012:  In a superheroic effort, staff and customers of foreign exchange specialist The OzForex Group have raised $100,000 for charity - the total profits generated during the annual Charity Day on 9 August.

Staff around the globe swapped suits for superhero capes and proved that anyone can be a hero to those in need, working against the clock to raise funds for the five charities that were selected by OzForex staff in Sydney, London, San Francisco, Auckland, Hong Kong and Toronto.

To see the superheroes in action watch this video!

Neil Helm, CEO, says the charity drive also got a wonderful response from customers, who were happy to contribute to a good cause and help make a difference in the lives of someone in need.

"From helping people get access to clean water, to helping children and young people with serious medical needs, to supporting victims of abuse, the international transfers made on our Charity Day will benefit all of these causes," he says.

"We're thrilled to have had another successful Charity Day, and to have enjoyed such an overwhelmingly positive response from both customers and staff," says Neil Helm. "We believe it is very important for companies to give back to the community, and as a global company we have chosen international as well as Australian charities."

Garry Prigg, chairman and CEO of the Cerebral Palsy Education Centre, welcomed the Charity Day for supporting CPEC in its vital work with children.

"Early intervention can really transform the lives of children with Cerebral Palsy and their families, and can lead to them having more independence and options. We welcome OzForex's support and the awareness raised through Charity Day.  This donation will be used to assist the developing of our international education and training division."

As part of the company’s overall commitment to support charitable causes, the OzForex team recently raised $15,000 for this years’ Dry July. The Dry July charity raises funds to create better environments and support networks for adult cancer patients and their families.

The full list of charities OzForex is supporting this year includes:

Sumba Foundation Australia 
The Sumba Foundation provides humanitarian aid by fostering village-based projects in Sumba, Indonesia that impact health, education, water and income-generation for the Sumbanese people.

Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness (Toronto, Canada) 
The CCAA aims to significantly reduce the incidence and impact of abuse through education and public awareness, providing shelter for and helping both child and adult victims of abuse.

Cerebral Palsy Education Centre (Sydney, Australia)
The Cerebral Palsy Education Centre is a specialist education service for children with cerebral palsy and their families, offering tailored programmes to help children's learning and development.

Demelza House (London, UK) 
Demelza House runs children's hospices in the UK, as well as a hospice-at-home service.  It provides service and support for children and young people who are not expected to reach adulthood.

Starship Foundation (Auckland, NZ) 
Starship Children's Health provides a wide range of medical and health services for children and young people throughout New Zealand and the South Pacific. It is also is a major teaching and research centre.

There will be a photo call opportunity on Wednesday 9 August at OzForex's offices, featuring Neil Helm, CEO of OzForex, Stephen Nolan, chairman of the Sumba Foundation Australia and Garry Prigg, chairman of the Cerebral Palsy Education Centre. Level 9, Bridge St Sydney.

About OzForex

OzForex is one of Australia’s fastest growing companies, focused on providing a smarter, online alternative to existing foreign exchange services.  Established in 1998 with the aim of providing individuals and corporate clients with a better deal, OzForex has offices in Sydney, Toronto, San Francisco, London, Hong Kong, and Auckland. 

The OzForex Group includes OzForex, UKForex, Canadian Forex, USForex, NZForex, Tranzfers and ClearFX. It is a strategic investment of Macquarie Bank, Accel Partners and The Carlyle Group. The OzForex platform powers international money transfer services of ING Direct, Macquarie International Money Transfers and other international financial institutions.

For further information, please contact us below. 

Media Contacts

Caroline Shawyer           Lisa Creffield
The PR Group        The PR Group
Tel: 0401 496 334     Tel: 0435 007 793
E: caroline@prgroup.com.au    E: lisa@prgroup.com.au

Update November 2012: The donation to the Cerebral Palsy Education Centre was applied to supporting the Education & Training Academy. 

The CPEC Education and Training Centre will 

  • Enable these teachers, therapists and families to apply new knowledge and understanding to the children they work with, so the children have a much greater opportunity to participate more actively in their lives.
  • Build a new revenue stream for the Centre to reduce the reliance on part Government funding, fundraising and donations. It will also provide a more secure income base to increase the salaries of all of our current staff (occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech pathologists and teachers) and to employ new staff as the demand for the service continues to grow.

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