Fees & How you Save

ozforex money transfer fees comparison table

Using OzForex, you are guaranteed extremely competitive exchange rates and low transfer fees. Fees are based on the currency you exchange; for example if you are exchanging British Pounds the fee would be GBP7.

If you are converting over a certain amount we waive the fee altogether. This is also based on the currency you are exchanging. For example if you are converting GBP3,000 or more and sending to a single* recipient, no fee will be charged. 


The big saving on your currency transfers is in the exchange rates. Before you make a currency transfer, check our rates and then compare these against your bank's rates. Depending on the size of the currency payments, we can save you hundreds of dollars and in many cases, thousands of dollars!

Don't take our word for it, check your bank's rates and at the same time check our live foreign exchange rates.

Personal Service

Yes that's right, you can actually speak to real people if you choose! Whilst we have many automated systems, we will contact you at least once to discuss and complete your international currency transfer and you can get in touch with our dealing team 24 hours a day on business days to discuss the market, hedging tools or your transaction with us.

Please note: OzForex does not deal in cash or travellers cheques. OzForex does not accept payment by credit card, cash or cheque. Please speak to us if you require any further information

There is no obligation or cost to REGISTER, so why not check out our live rates and compare them with what you would currently receive for your international money transfer ?

* These thresholds are based on 'per beneficiary' amounts rather than total deal payment amount. If you are paying to multiple beneficiaries, if the average sell amount to the beneficiaries is over the threshold, all fees will be waived. If the average sell amount to beneficiaries is below the threshold, fees will be charged for each payment.

Currency Converter

Rate: 0.7517
Rate: 1.3303

Free Registration

International money transfers at better rates than the banks.

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NOTE: These rates are for informational purposes only

OFX Singapore Pte. Limited | UEN 201317103N | Regulated in Singapore by MAS | Money Remittance License No. RA01528 | 6A Shenton Way, #04-02 to #04-08 OUE Downtown Gallery, Singapore 068815. Read our Read our Privacy Policy

NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS (pursuant to s30 of the MCRBA): OFX is licensed under the Money-changing and Remittance Businesses Act (Cap. 187) to carry out remittance business. Please note that such licensing does NOT guarantee the performance of the remittance licensee and customers take the risk of any loss suffered from the remittance.