Safety of Your Money

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The security of funds is essential to our business, so we understand you will want to seek assurances that your money is safe. To assist you in this, here is some information on who we are and how we do business:

Part of a Global Company

OzForex is part of the OzForex Group, which provides foreign exchange services to customers across 6 continents.

  • 581,000 fund transfers last year
  • AUD$13.6 billion in foreign exchange transactions last year
  • Over 2 million website visits each month

The Group employs over 200 staff and has offices in Toronto, San Francisco, London, Sydney, Hong Kong, and Auckland.

Strong Financials

A summary of the Group’s financial results for the year ending 31 March 2013

  • Revenue                        $52.1m
  • Earnings before tax     $24.2m
  • Net assets                    $30.8m

Each year we are audited by PriceWaterhouseCoopers. View the latest OzForex consolidated financial statements

Strict Adherence to Local Regulations

We are fully licenced in each of the jurisdictions where we operate, and comply with all local rules and regulations. In Australia, foreign exchange dealing is regulated by the Australian Financial Securities and Investment Commission (“ASIC”). OzForex Pty Ltd has an Australian Financial Services Licence ("AFSL") issued by ASIC to deal and give advice in relation to foreign exchange contracts and derivatives.

Low Risk Business Model

Our business model is inherently a low risk one. By offering a deliverable-only foreign exchange service we do not take positions in the market ourselves, so we assume very little transactional or market risk.

Website Security

Our secure online platform uses minimum 2048 bit SSL certificates to encrypt traffic and Thawte online security and protection.

Proven Track Record

OzForex have been focussed on customer satisfaction since 1998. Here’s what some of our customers have to say:

"For any potential OzForex customers who have doubts as to whether this company can be relied upon or trusted, I can offer an assurance that, from my experience, OzForex goes above and beyond what could reasonably be expected of them when the situation arises.”

“12 months ago we trialled OzForex based on their very competitive rates. We were so happy with the savings, the service and information provided and the unprecedented convenience of attending to forex via the internet that RML now only perform forex transactions via OzForex”.

Read more customer comments

Currency Converter

Rate: 0.7517
Rate: 1.3303

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International money transfers at better rates than the banks.

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Choose currency pair and enter the exchange rate. An alert will be triggered when the exchange rate is reached and an email will be sent to you. You can unsubscribe any time and your email address is safe – see our Privacy Policy.

NOTE: These rates are for informational purposes only

OFX Singapore Pte. Limited | UEN 201317103N | Regulated in Singapore by MAS | Money Remittance License No. RA01528 | 6A Shenton Way, #04-02 to #04-08 OUE Downtown Gallery, Singapore 068815. Read our Read our Privacy Policy

NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS (pursuant to s30 of the MCRBA): OFX is licensed under the Money-changing and Remittance Businesses Act (Cap. 187) to carry out remittance business. Please note that such licensing does NOT guarantee the performance of the remittance licensee and customers take the risk of any loss suffered from the remittance.