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The Company

Since its launch in 1998, the OzForex Group has grown to be one of the world’s largest online foreign exchange companies.


We are an innovative and dynamic business that offers unique opportunities to the right people to be part of our global expansion and development.

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Currency Converter

Rate: 0.7517
Rate: 1.3303

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NOTE: These rates are for informational purposes only

OFX Singapore Pte. Limited | UEN 201317103N | Regulated in Singapore by MAS | Money Remittance License No. RA01528 | 6A Shenton Way, #04-02 to #04-08 OUE Downtown Gallery, Singapore 068815. Read our Read our Privacy Policy

NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS (pursuant to s30 of the MCRBA): OFX is licensed under the Money-changing and Remittance Businesses Act (Cap. 187) to carry out remittance business. Please note that such licensing does NOT guarantee the performance of the remittance licensee and customers take the risk of any loss suffered from the remittance.