Our Best Customer Exchange Rates

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Commonly Traded Currencies

Buy Currency OFX Rate Amount You Receive Interbank Rate
AUD 1.1165 (0.8957) AUD 11,165.00 1.1384 (0.8784)
CAD 1.0102 (0.9899) CAD 10,102.00 1.0306 (0.9703)
CHF 0.6440 (1.5528) CHF 6,440.00 0.6586 (1.5184)
DKK 5.0136 (0.1995) DKK 50,136.00 5.1222 (0.1952)
EUR 0.6724 (1.4872) EUR 6,724.00 0.6854 (1.4590)
HKD 5.6982 (0.1755) HKD 56,982.00 5.8169 (0.1719)
GBP 0.5678 (1.7612) GBP 5,678.00 0.5791 (1.7268)
JPY 112.2120 (0.0089) JPY 1,122,120.00 114.5593 (0.0087)
NOK 8.0459 (0.1243) NOK 80,459.00 8.2828 (0.1207)
NZD 1.2403 (0.8063) NZD 12,403.00 1.2661 (0.7898)
PLN 2.8764 (0.3477) PLN 28,764.00 2.9364 (0.3406)
SEK 7.8879 (0.1268) SEK 78,879.00 8.0611 (0.1241)
THB 26.2409 (0.0381) THB 262,409.00 26.7566 (0.0374)
USD 0.7308 (1.3684) USD 7,308.00 0.7451 (1.3421)
ZAR 13.2589 (0.0754) ZAR 132,589.00 13.8550 (0.0722)

Other Currencies

Buy Currency OFX Rate Amount You Receive Interbank Rate
CNY 5.2414 (0.1908) CNY 52,414.00 5.4030 (0.1851)
CZK 17.0093 (0.0588) CZK 170,093.00 17.4105 (0.0574)
FJD 1.6138 (0.6197) FJD 16,138.00 1.6926 (0.5908)
HUF 262.1823 (0.0038) HUF 2,621,823.00 268.5493 (0.0037)
IDR 11711.7184 (0.0001) IDR 117,117,184.00 12163.1771 (0.0001)
ILS 2.6687 (0.3747) ILS 26,687.00 2.7268 (0.3667)
INR 60.4310 (0.0165) INR 604,310.00 62.3984 (0.0160)
KRW 982.8592 (0.0010) KRW 9,828,592.00 1032.3150 (0.0010)
KWD 0.2232 (4.4803) KWD 2,232.00 0.2283 (4.3802)
LKR 218.3937 (0.0046) LKR 2,183,937.00 228.0823 (0.0044)
MAD 7.0705 (0.1414) MAD 70,705.00 7.5691 (0.1321)
MXN 13.4243 (0.0745) MXN 134,243.00 13.7651 (0.0726)
MYR 3.3652 (0.2972) MYR 33,652.00 3.4722 (0.2880)
OMR 0.2788 (3.5868) OMR 2,788.00 0.2878 (3.4746)
PEN 2.7063 (0.3695) PEN 27,063.00 2.8544 (0.3503)
PGK 2.7589 (0.3625) PGK 27,589.00 2.9768 (0.3359)
PHP 42.0626 (0.0238) PHP 420,626.00 43.6145 (0.0229)
PKR 200.9863 (0.0050) PKR 2,009,863.00 208.3910 (0.0048)
SAR 2.7085 (0.3692) SAR 27,085.00 2.7988 (0.3573)
SBD 5.6927 (0.1757) SBD 56,927.00 6.3957 (0.1564)
SCR 9.8680 (0.1013) SCR 98,680.00 10.2541 (0.0975)
TOP 1.6549 (0.6043) TOP 16,549.00 1.8098 (0.5525)
TRY 24.0213 (0.0416) TRY 240,213.00 24.5493 (0.0407)
TWD 23.4651 (0.0426) TWD 234,651.00 24.4602 (0.0409)
VND 17969.9434 (0.0001) VND 179,699,434.00 18873.4073 (0.0001)
VUV 82.7564 (0.0121) VUV 827,564.00 87.1768 (0.0115)
WST 1.8434 (0.5425) WST 18,434.00 1.6918 (0.5911)
XPF 79.2022 (0.0126) XPF 792,022.00 76.4474 (0.0131)
World Time: Auckland 6:44 PM | Sydney 4:44 PM | Hong Kong 2:44 PM | London 7:44 AM | Toronto 2:44 AM

Important Information
All our rates are competitive however larger amounts receive even better rates.
These rates are applicable for individuals transferring funds via OFX. Foreign exchange rates are constantly changing, our commitment to fair pricing does not.
OFX does not guarantee the accuracy of the rate or calculations.
Please read the terms of use.

Currency Converter

Rate: 0.7451
Rate: 1.3421

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