OzForex Group donates a day's revenue to charity

The OzForex Group charity day held on Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011 raised over AUD150,000 for our selected charities. The day was a great success and as mentioned, we will be donating these funds to charities chosen by the Group's employees and Board under a new, centralised social responsibility initiative. Below is an update of the recent donations we have made from the OzForex Group Charity fund.

Canadian Center for Abuse Awareness (CAD30,000) which has supported the following initiatives:

1.  Wishes for Neglected and Abused Children 2011 – Christmas campaign

2.  Living Clean – Canada's only live interactive television show serving those who are suffering from addictions, abuse, or related issues. Our new set, program opening and music will help us reach out to even larger numbers of viewers in need of help. Donation of CAD5,000

3.  First Nation – conference for First Nation survivors of LeBret, Saskatchewan residential school child abuse scandal. Donation of CAD5,000

4.  Abuse Hurts.Com – help develop new information section on this website

Sumba Foundation Australia (AUD28,500) which has supported the following initiatives:

1.  Water Projects for Lolowa, Petiala and Weilajung villages in Sumba

2.  Malnutrition Project – contribution to the purchase of a new 4WD to reach the remote area of Kode in Sumba

Suicide Prevention Australia (AUD30,000) which has supported the following initiatives:

1.  Employ a part−time Fundraising and Development Coordinator. This position will be responsible for the development and implementation of a fundraising strategy for Suicide Prevention Australia. It will initially focus on pursuing grants, philanthropic trusts, corporate sponsorship, work−place giving, tender application and other related funding opportunities.

2.  The position will also be responsible for establishing an Ambassador Program. Having an employee dedicated to a fundraising strategy will ensure the organisation's sustainability with a focus on increasing and diversifying the funding–base. The extra funds achieved will give SPA both the independence from government and much needed extra resources to investigate and implement evidence base suicide prevention activities that the government will not fund.

Please check back here over the coming months as we continue to make more donations to our chosen charities. Thanks again for your support of our OzForex Group Charity day.

Neil Helm
CEO OzForex Pty Ltd
September, 2011

The Sumba Foundation Australia

The Sumba Foundation Australia is dedicated to improving quality of life for the indigenous people of Sumba, Indonesia, and is currently helping over 20,000 people in more than 147 villages. In the Foundation’s surveys of the schools and clinics in the area it was found that over 90% had neither running water nor a clean water source nearby.
Over the past 10 years, The Sumba Foundation Australia has been providing clean water, building and operating healthcare clinics, repairing and supplying schools, bringing in doctors and nurses and helping to eradicate malaria and malnutrition.
OzForex’s donation will contribute to the Sumba Water Project, which will establish wells and associated infrastructure within the villages of Lolowo and Welajung, providing nearly 2000 people with clean water. Dr Stephen Nolan, Chairman of The Sumba Foundation Australia, said “The Sumba Water Project is about providing the people of Sumba with the basic infrastructure that allows opportunity to flourish.”

Suicide Prevention Australia (SPA)

Suicide Prevention Australia is a non-profit, community organisation working as the peak body for suicide prevention in Australia.  SPA is the only national umbrella body active in suicide prevention throughout Australia, promoting:

  • Community awareness and advocacy;
  • Collaboration and partnerships between communities, practitioners, research and industry;
  • Information access and sharing; and
  • Local, regional and national forums, conferences and events.

The OzForex Group donation to SPA will fund the recruitment of a new staff member dedicated to fundraising and awareness.

Other Charities

Additional funds will be donated to charities in Canada and the United Kingdom, as selected by OzForex Group employees in each respective office:

  • The Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness strives to reduce the incidence and impact of abuse through education and public awareness. The Centre is a national leader in the development of programs to prevent abuse.
  • The Retreat Animal Rescue (UK) shelters and cares for mistreated animals from around the United Kingdom.

Additional Charitable Donations

An equal share of funds will be made available for contribution to natural disaster relief, as well as to match charitable donations by OzForex employees.

Charity Websites

1. Sumba Foundation Australia - www.sumbafoundation.org.au
2. Suicide Prevention Australia - suicidepreventionaust.org
3. Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness - www.ccfaa.com
4. The Retreat Animal Rescue - www.retreatanimalrescue.org.uk

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