Senior Corporate Dealer Michael Judge

Michael JudgeMichael Judge works as a Senior Corporate Foreign Exchange Dealer at OzForex. Accountable for an extensive portfolio of corporate clients, he is responsible for managing clients’ foreign exchange exposures, through the use of OzForex’s broad range of products.

Michael joined OzForex in 2009, originally employed as a Private Foreign Exchange Dealer, he was promoted to the Corporate Desk after only 12 months. His experience as a Private Foreign Exchange dealer provides him with a thorough understanding of OzForex’s core business model and the mechanics of the foreign exchange market.

In addition to Michael’s Dealing role he is also responsible for the writing of daily commentaries which are posted to over 20 000 actively dealing clients as well appearing on both CNBC and Sky Business weekly, delivering live market commentaries, opinion and insight 

Michael holds a Bachelor of Commerce and an AFMA Financial Services Diploma. He enjoys playing league soccer and competitive golf in his spare time. 

Michael can also be found on Google+

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Rate: 0.7518
Rate: 1.3301

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