Overseas investments or pension transfers

If you are investing overseas or receiving the proceeds of an overseas investment or pension, it's worth ensuring that you receive the very best exchange rate and minimise your fees. OzForex can ensure that you maximise the value of your foreign exchange deal.

Investing Overseas

Are you paying excessive fees or receiving uncompetitive exchange rates when you purchase foreign currencies to invest?

OzForex can help ensure that more of your money arrives where it should by giving you an excellent exchange rate and taking a low (or no!) fee. You spend time ensuring that your investment is going to reap you the best rewards so why not spend time ensuring that you are receiving the best exchange rate?

Investment Proceeds

When investing in overseas property of other investments it pays to ensure that as much of the proceeds as possible end up in your pocket and not with the company you use to purchase your foreign currency! 

Overseas pension transfers

An overseas pension transfer can be a hassle and more expensive than it needs to be. OzForex offers standing arrangements that will see overseas pensions automatically converted and remitted to your local currency account. This will not only save you plenty of time but also lots of money.

Using OzForex is a breeze 

  1. Register 
  2. Login and get a quote
  3. Confirm your rate, deal and payee details 
  4. Transfer your payment to us
  5. We transfer your funds to the beneficiary

**Please note: OzForex does not deal in cash or travellers cheques. OzForex does not accept payment by credit card, cash or cheque. 

What our clients say:

'We have built up an investment portfolio overseas and used OzForex to transfer the funds for the initial investment. Based on the ease of this first transfer, we will definitely be using OzForex again when we bring the funds home. We have also utilised forward contracts (to great effect) to reduce the impact of exchange rate movements on our foreign assets. Great rates and service OzForex - keep it up!"
Adrian Mansell

Please contact us for more details or register now to start saving money.

Currency Converter

Rate: 0.7517
Rate: 1.3303

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International money transfers at better rates than the banks.

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NOTE: These rates are for informational purposes only

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NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS (pursuant to s30 of the MCRBA): OFX is licensed under the Money-changing and Remittance Businesses Act (Cap. 187) to carry out remittance business. Please note that such licensing does NOT guarantee the performance of the remittance licensee and customers take the risk of any loss suffered from the remittance.