It has come to our attention that several customers have been the target of a phishing email scam – “International Transfer”, claiming that a payment has not been successful.
Please see an example of this fraudulent email below.
The email directs recipients to click on a link or open an attached document.
Do not click on the link or open the attachment.
An example of a hoax email is below:
From: admir3@netvision.net.il
Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 3:20 PM
To: victim@whatever.com
Subject: Re: International Transfer Number: 2MC11061AS. Amount: 4076.99 AUD
Important notice for victim@whatever.com
International Transfer: 2MC1521461AS
Amount: 4076.99 AUD
Status: Suspended
Please review the doc file attached here to see more info about this transfer.
If you receive this email, report it by sending the email (as an attachment, if possible) to compliance@ozforex.com.au or simply delete it.
If you have received an email of this type and have responded to it, please contact us immediately on 1300 300 424.
It has come to our attention that several customers have been the target of a phishing email scam – “Password Reset”. The email includes an link that redirects to a ‘phishing’ site which looks very similar to the OzForex website.
Please be advised we will NEVER send you any emails including attachments or redirects, asking you to reset your password.
If you have received an email purporting to be from OzForex that you believe may be a hoax, you should delete it immediately without responding. If in doubt please report the email and notify OzForex by sending the email (as an attachment, if possible) to compliance@ozforex.com.au
An example of a hoax email is below:
Password for your OzForex ID victim@whatever.com.au has been successfully reset.
If these changes were made in error, or if you believe an unauthorised person accessed your account, please reset your account password immediately by going to iforgot.OzForex.com.au. To review and update your security settings, sign in to OzForex.com.au.
This is an automated message. Please do not reply to this email. If you need additional help, please visit OzForex Support.
Thanks, OzForex Customer Support