Add our rate and chart tools to your website to offer your users an added service and keep your web traffic on your site. From real-time currency conversions, exchange rates, live rate charts and up-to-date foreign exchange market analysis, these tools will make sure your users get the latest and best currency information available.
Using our tools is free of charge and a great way for you to enhance your website with advanced functionalities. Simply copy and paste the complete code into your website; the tools will update automatically. Please do not change the code unless specified otherwise as the tool will stop functioning.
Live Rate Tiles are a dynamic content application that can be easily added to your website. They are best suited to a side panel of your site's template, as well as placed on your homepage.
Pop up the latest FX Chart from your webpages with this tool. With a small code modification, you can customise currencies to be displayed.
Display a real-time currency converter from your webpages with this tool; no need for your visitors to leave your site. You can provide instant conversions from a huge selection of currencies.
Commentary feeds are displayed within your web page using either standard frames or iFrames. The commentary is updated automatically each weekday and allows you to change the standard colours and fonts to suit your website.
This neat little box allows your users to sign up to our free daily and weekly currency news, delivered by our expert dealers.
Up-to-date exchange rates for major currency pairs. Provide a quick overview for your users on current exchange rates.
Choose a currency pair and enter the exchange rate. We’ll send you an email alert when the exchange rate is reached.