OzForex digs deep for charity

Tuesday, 08 February 2011

The OzForex Group will donate all global revenue generated tomorrow to charity, as part of a new company initiative which has seen its worldwide corporate social responsibility efforts centralised.

All revenue generated tomorrow will be divided between a selection of local charities, including The Sumba Foundation Australia and Suicide Prevention Australia.

The Sumba Foundation Australia is dedicated to improving quality of life for the indigenous people of Sumba, Indonesia, and is currently helping over 20,000 people in more than 147 villages.

OzForex's donation will contribute to the Sumba Water Project, which will establish wells and associated infrastructure within the villages of Lolowo and Welajung, providing nearly 2000 people with clean water.

"We are thrilled to see our efforts touch such an array of worthy causes, and I am proud of our employees' support for these initiatives," OzForex CEO Neil Helm said.

OzForex's donation to Suicide Prevention Australia will fund the recruitment of a new staff member dedicated to fundraising and awareness.

Additional funds will be donated to charities in Canada and the United Kingdom, as selected by OzForex employees in each respective office:

  • The Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness, which strives to reduce the incidence and impact of abuse through education and public awareness.
  • The Retreat Animal Rescue (UK), which shelters and cares for mistreated animals from around the United Kingdom.

An equal share of funds will be made available for contribution to natural disaster relief, and to match charitable donations made by employees.

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